If you've ever chartered a 45ft catamaran, you know that mooring balls are your friends. They protect the coral and sea bottom from the constant abuse of frequently anchoring boats.
「よくある質問FAQの語は英語のFrequently Asked Questionsの略語
<dt>What do we want?
<dd>Our data.
<dt>When do we want it?
<dt>Where is it?
<dd>We are not sure.
<dd class="pronunciation">/'hæ p. nes/</dd>
<dd class="part-of-speech"><i><abbr>n.</abbr></i></dd>
<dd>The state of being happy.</dd>
<dd>Good fortune; success. <q>Oh <b>happiness</b>! It worked!</q></dd>
<dd class="pronunciation">/ri jois'/</dd>
<dd><i class="part-of-speech"><abbr>v.intr.</abbr></i> To be delighted oneself.</dd>
<d><i class="part-of-speech"><abbr>v.tr.</abbr></i> To cause one to be delighted.</dd>
<title>Bubbles at work — My Gallery™画廊</title>
<img src="wine2.jpeg"
alt="Bubbles, sitting in his office chair, works on his
latest project intently.">
<figcaption>Bubbles at work</figcaption>
This case centered on some sort of "intellectual property"[この事件は、ある種の「知的財産」を中心にした]
infringement related to a comic (see Exhibit A)[コミックに関連する侵害(別紙Aを参照)]. The suit started
after a trailer ending with these words:[訴訟が始まったこれらの単語で終わるトレーラーの後:]
<Q>タグはQuotation(引用)の略で、<Q>〜</Q>で 囲まれた部分が引用であることを表します。
<Q>タグは、改行を必要としない程度の比較的短い文を引用・抜粋する際に使用します。 長めの文章を引用・転載する際には、<BLOCKQUOTE>タグを使用してください。
...was aired. A lawyer, armed with a Bigger Notebook, launched a
preemptive strike using snowballs. A complete copy of the trailer is
included with Exhibit B.[放映されました。 より大きなノートブックで武装した弁護士が、
雪玉を使った先制攻撃。 トレーラーの完全なコピーは
Fiscal negotiations stumble in Congress as deadline nears
Barrak Obama and Harry Reid. White House press photograph.
木曜日の締め切りが近づいています。 Negotiations in Congress to end the fiscal impasse sputtered on Tuesday, leaving both chambers
grasping for a way to reopen the government and raise the country's borrowing authority with a
Thursday deadline drawing near.
that she plays her new physique to the neighbors regularly, in an
attempt to get pets.
My other cat, coloured black and white, is a sweetie. He followed
us to the pool today, walking down the pavement with us. Yesterday
he apparently visited our neighbours. I wonder if he recognises that
their flat is a mirror image of ours.
Hm, I just noticed that in the last paragraph I used British
English. But I'm supposed to write in American English. So I
shouldn't say "pavement" or "flat" or "colour"...
I should say "sidewalk" and "apartment" and "color"!
=========================================== The castle through the ages: 1423, 1858, and 1999 respectively. ============================================